Pallet Delivery Service Northampton

Pallet Delivery Service Northampton

The delivery of pallets to businesses in Northampton is handled your partner AFFA. Please get in touch with us if you have any inquiries concerning the shipping of pallets.

This page has been updated to include information on the services provided by AFFA. If you are interested in learning more, you may find additional information on their website.

About AFFA: 

AFFA is an industry leader in the forwarding of international freight. When working with them, you can be assured that you will not be left out to deal with a poorly working voice-activated menu or directed to an unhelpful call centre.  Every time you get in contact with them you can expect a helpful member of the small but devoted delivery crew to answer the phone and help you.

Because we want to be the only provider of transportation services you will ever require, we put a lot of effort in offering high-quality services as well as the 5-star customer service we offer. Check out the testimonials that previous customers have left for us if you are interested in learning more about our company.

Pallet services AFFA offer: 

  • Import and export of pallets around the world
  • Service promised for the next day
  • 48-hour service
  • Service on Saturday
  • Timed or scheduled deliveries and pick-ups


AFFA has 55 depots in key locations around the country to guarantee service everywhere. All locations allow businesses to access specialised help no matter where they are located.

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